Today I want to talk about a very large and very misunderstood subject - meditation. If you are not a regular meditator yourself you probably think meditation is something that is either a) difficult, b) too time consuming, or c) something that only yogis and Buddhist monks do. Anybody of my age group that was raised with hippy culture and the Beatles will know something about the subject, even if you don't have a regular practise yourself. What shamanic practice and other forms of spirituality have in common stems from doing some form of meditation. In Zen Buddhism the master uses many tricks to try and fool the "monkey mind" and allow the student to experience a glimpse of "reality" - the Satori experience. In Yoga (real yoga - not the lycra clad physical workout that passes for yoga in the West), great emphasis is placed on meditation. Experienced practitioners can create powerful mind/body states that appear as "magical" to the uninitiated observer...