My First Shamanic Journey
Although I have titled this "My First Shamanic Journey" the fact is that it was not my first journey at all - the thing is, I hadn't written the first journeys down in my journal. I am guessing that this first recording from September 2018 was about my fourth journey. I was following the teaching from Paul Francis book The Shamanic Journey and my early journeys were all to the Lower World.
Don't be surprised if nothing happens on your first journey - it takes a bit of practice and a belief that you can achieve what you set out to do. There will always be times when you find you can't proceed on a journey. If this happens, don't get upset or frustrated. Just assume that your guides didn't feel the time was right and try again another day.
Here is the IMPORTANT lesson - get a notebook or journal before you start journeying and write everything down as soon as the journey finishes. You will benefit from looking back over your journeys and may well glean valuable insights into the meaning of the journey.
I will be recording some of my past journeys here on this blog but I won't be sharing anything that is personal to me and is nobody else's business. Your shamanic journeys are yours and yours alone - whether you choose to share them with anybody else is up to you. My advice is to always ask your guides or Power Animal whether they mind you discussing them with anybody else.
WARNING - not all of your friends will be at the same point spiritually as you, so choose who you share this stuff with carefully. Some will just think you are crazy and laugh it off, some will ridicule you, some will think you are in league with the "devil" and have sold your soul (if they are devout Christians or Muslims). On the other hand some people will just LOVE this stuff and they will be inspired to learn more.
At this point I will assume everyone who is reading this is familiar with what a shamanic journey is and if you are not, then check out some of my earlier posts and go to the Useful Links page.
Sunday 30/9/2018 - 6 am
I set a shamanic drumming track for 30 minutes (you can find these on YouTube, Insight Timer and The Centre For Shamanism website for free.). IMPORTANT - before your journey always set your intent. You need to have a reason for the journey or your guides will not know what you want help with. Also, make it a simple intent - not a great long list of things that you believe are wrong with your life. A good intent to begin with is just to ask for healing. If you have a specific ailment then ask for healing for that, otherwise just ask for healing and let your guides decide what needs healing. The healing can be physical, mental or emotional.
On this occasion my intent was to ask for healing. (not for anything specific)
I lay down on my bed and let the drumming become the dominant thing in my awareness. In my mind I travelled to a place in South Oxfordshire that I know well and has a special, spiritual feeling for me. I call this my Axis Mundi. There is a large rabbit hole there on the side of a small mound beneath an elder bush.
In my minds eye I am wearing tracksuit bottoms, an orange pullover and leather sandals. I have a piece of Moldavite on a string around my neck. I shrink myself in order to enter the rabbit hole and begin to descend down the tunnel.
It was dark when I entered the tunnel but the piece of Moldavite around my neck was giving off a pale green glow which allowed me to see. The walls, floor and ceiling of the tunnel were all packed earth.
After a short while I came out into daylight from a cave in a Beech wood. It seemed to be Spring here (remember it is September where my body is lying). I walked for a while then sat down at the edge of a clearing with my back against a Beech tree. Then I stood up and embraced the tree. I became aware that I was wearing a cloak like a Christian monks habit with a hood. It was a grey/brown colour and I still had leather sandals on my feet. I knew I had to wait for an animal guide to appear.
Soon Rabbit appeared (this is the second successive time that Rabbit has come to give me healing). I greeted Rabbit and he leapt into my arms. Then I lay down on my back with Rabbit on my chest. Rabbit started to burrow into my Heart Centre. Rabbit scooped out dark matter from my chest and kicked it away. Rabbit told me (telepathically) that I had darkness in my heart and that I needed to learn to Love and Play. Rabbit replaced the dark matter with a Rose Quartz crystal. I thanked Rabbit and said that I hoped we would meet again. On the return drum beat I began my return to ordinary reality by retracing my steps and going into the cave and back up the tunnel to come out at my Axis Mundi and then back to my prone body.
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