Your First Shamanic Journey
I have said before - this blog is not here to TEACH you how to become a Shamanic Person. This blog is designed to be a record of my own journey along the shamanic path - the path with heart.
So, what is a "path with heart"? I have mentioned this before - it is when something FEELS right to you. Not when it appears logical or when your mates are doing it or when some "celebrity" says that it's cool or when some guru says it is the only way to proceed.
Have you done your research? Have you found your "path with heart"? (Take a look at the "useful links" page). If not, then you are certainly not ready to take your first shamanic journey.
For me, as I have said before, it was reading "The Shamanic Journey" by Paul Francis that ticked all the boxes and gave me the knowledge, inspiration and guidance that I needed to take my first steps along the path. Since then I have found my "Tribe" at The Centre For Shamanism - these were both "paths with heart" for me. You may not feel the same way. That is perfectly OK. But if you are new to this stuff then you will need to find a teacher or teachers. Are you the kind of person who can work alone and is motivated to do the necessary work without peer support or personal guidance? If you are then a book can set you off on your journey - this is how it was for me. But, if you are a person who needs to be part of a group with constant support and guidance - then my recommendation is join a group. But make sure it "feels right" for you. For me, when I began to feel the need to share my experiences with people who actually knew what I was talking about (and didn't think I was insane), it was natural for me to join The Centre For Shamanism. There are other groups out there - find the right one for you.
Now - you have found your book, your teacher or your Tribe and you are ready to take your first Shamanic Journey. IMPORTANT - get yourself an A4 journal or notebook. This was my first big mistake. I took my first 3 journeys back in 2018 but now I have absolutely no recollection of them because I didn't write them down after the journey. Back in the day our ancestors didn't write anything down BUT they had phenomenal memories. We modern people don't have to remember anything any more - we have Google, smart phones, ipads and all manner of technology that can tell us anything we want to know instantly (even if nobody knows what to believe any more - truth or fake news? But that's another story altogether.) Believe me - if you don't write it down IMMEDIATELY after your journey has finished, you WILL forget it, no matter how vivid and wonderful it may have been. A shamanic journey is a journey into Non Ordinary Reality. In the same way that we quickly forget our dreams - no matter how "real" or interesting they were - we also forget the details and the lessons of our shamanic journeys. So get into the habit of writing things down. You will regret it if you don't.
Until next time. Be happy and be true to yourself.
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