Can Anybody Become a Shamanic Person?

You might be wondering - this shamanic stuff all seems a bit left field, what kind of people actually go for this kind of thinking?

Well, if you are reading this then you are probably one of those kind of people - otherwise, what on earth are you doing wasting your time here on this blog?

I have to say again - I am not a teacher of Shamanism, I am a student of Shamanism. If you are looking for a teacher then go visit the useful links page. If you want to learn online in this time of draconian lockdown and restriction of personal freedom then I wholeheartedly recommend The Centre For Shamanism.

As a rule I would guess that the people who are attracted to Shamanism are aware of their spiritual nature, in love with the natural world, get on well with animals, dislike hierarchies and are able to think for themselves.

On the other hand, the people who would dismiss the whole idea as batshit crazy are probably :- totally unaware of any kind spiritual consciousness, think that this material world is "all there is", love their electronic gadgets, think that animals are just food and believe all the blatant lies they are fed by the politicians and the media.

So yes - anybody CAN become a Shamanic Person BUT not everybody is going to want to become a Shamanic Person. That is the nature of the society we live in. It is a matter of choice in a world where the ability to actually choose and go your own way is becoming a rarity. Thousands of years ago all our ancestors would have been Animists - they would all have had a close affinity with the natural world. They would all have been "shamanic people" but they would not all have been Shamans. There was usually only one Shaman or Medicine Man in each extended family group or Tribe.

Our modern society has become completely alienated from the natural world. Most people live in Cities (I am thankful that I do not) and they are surrounded by thousands if not millions of people that they do not know. People that they might be frightened of, people that they might not understand, people that they hate (without knowing why) and people that they despise (again, without really knowing why). They live in an unnatural environment filled with material and psychic pollution. They never see a wild animal unless it is a rat, a pigeon or an urban fox. They live like the factory farmed animals that they consume daily in fast food outlets while they work all day, every day to pay the rent or the mortgage and buy a few useless plastic toys. Modern humans have been tamed and domesticated - they have lost their "souls".

Some of us recognise this as an insane way to live. We want to regain our freedom.We want to feel alive. We want to feel that we are a vital part of life on this beautiful but badly damaged planet. We don't want to be told what to do and what to believe by politicians and priests - we want to experience life for ourselves. We want to discover our own "truth".

And the way we do this is by learning how to be a Shamanic Person.

In the next post I will be talking about the Shamanic Journey.


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