Useful Links

On this page I will be listing websites and blogs that I have found to be useful.

British and European Shamanism and Spirituality - Sarita Sol website. Sarita teaches a very 21st Century form of Shamanism and is very aware of the "non physical" aspects of consciousness. Wonderful teachings, healing, courses and free stuff. As a truly aware Shamanic teacher (a rarity in the modern "shamanic"community), Sarita is not fooled by the lies of those who seek to control our perception and our behaviour and offers a path to true Self Sovereignty and liberation from the "matrix". My favourite teacher. Some of her courses can be found on the alternative Ickonic platform. - wonderful (The Lyceum - Way of The Bee) shamanic meditations from Sarita Sol - Sarita is regularly censored by Google/YouTube because she is a Truth Sayer who is not afraid to expose their lies so you can also find her on Patreon - Sarita on Odysee - Free Meditations - Animism and Shamanic work led by Naiomi Lewis (one of Sarita Sols teachers). Based in Totness, Devon. - this is the website of Paul Francis and the Three Ravens College of Therapeutic Shamanism. Paul is based in North Wales and he was my inspiration to start studying and practising Core Shamanism and continues to be my go to teacher for that version of Shamanism. His books are highly recommended - in fact I would say they are essential reading if you want to truly understand Core Shamanism and become a Shamanic Person in the "Core" style. Paul is not only a great Shamanic Teacher and Practitioner - he is also an experienced psychotherapist and incorporates a lot of psychotherapy into his "Therapeutic Shamanism".
Since 2020 and the "pandemic" Paul has put all his courses online. Highly recommended if you wish to follow a "traditional" path. (warning - if you have read all the books and done the exercises with success, then you don't really need to pay for the online courses as they only cover the same material.)  Shamanism training from Nicola and Jason who are based in Lancashire - retreats and workshops in England and Wales. This is a particularly "British" or "Celtic" form of Core Shamanism. Plus they run an online Shamanic "Mystery School" which is a monthly subscription service. Quite a gentle introduction to Shamanism.  is a great website for beginners. This site is run by a lovely Scottish lady called Rhonda. She offers training in Scotland and online distance training and she has a really friendly and useful Facebook group that allows you to share your experiences and be part of a "Tribe". The weekly podcast is invaluable for anyone who is starting out and wants to work on their own personal and spiritual development. Recommended. Barry Goddards blog. Shamanic practitioner and teacher in Devon UK. I don't agree with all of Barrys' opinions and our political views are very different but he writes an excellent blog and is a mine of shamanic information. - Registered Practitioners of Therapeutic Shamanism in the UK. Soul Retrieval and Animal Healing. Shamanic Practitioners that have been trained by Paul Francis and the Three Ravens College of Therapeutic Shamanism. - The earth mysteries website of Peter Knight and Sue Wallace. Guided walks around stone circles, long barrows and ancient woodland in the south of England. - Fabulous website for all who are interested in trees, herbs and Celtic shamanism. Glennie Kindred is an amazing mine of information. A meeting of like minded folk who practice Shamanism as well as those who are interested in this path.
Set in the beautiful rural location of Earth Spirit Centre (Dundon, Somerset), the Gathering is open to all. a useful resource in many ways. UK based magazine. Training and community. Good place to locate a Shamanic Practitioner. very useful site for Shamanic book reviews in the UK. ecology based shamanism run by Mandy Pullen and friends - they run courses in Gloucestershire and Somerset. courses on Shamanism in the UK by Leo Rutherford and friends. - website of Brian Anderson, a shamanic practitioner based near Perth in Scotland - Michael Harner's Foundation For Shamanic Studies (Core Shamanism) in Europe - website of Danny, sometimes known as The Bearded Shaman - Danny works within the Inca Shamanic tradition and European Witchcraft from his home in Reading (Berkshire). Peruvian shamanism based in Reading UK

American and International Shamanism - The Shamanic Passages Institute was formed by Gerry Starnes in 2016 in Austin, Texas in order to help as many people as possible learn Contemporary Core Shamanism based on the First Nation North American traditions. The Institute offers live and online training workshops. Recommended.

Gerry Starnes You Tube Channel - step by step instructions on the practice of Core Shamanism the legacy of Carlos Castaneda, my favourite shamanic author and don Juan Matus - the Toltec tradition. Courses held all over the world. Based in USA.
 Lots of Castaneda material on YouTube including The Magical Passes of Tensegrity. -  These four simple agreements will change your life completely. Online courses available. Based in USA. - Toltec shaman and author of The Four Agreements - books and online courses. Based in USA. The Foundation For Shamanic Studies - website of the late Michael Harner - founder of Core Shamanism - courses in the USA

Plant Medicine - magic mushroom grow your own kits based in UK (legal) - shroom grow kits and lots more. Based in Holland. - plant medicine (including Ayahuasca) in Spain and Ireland - foraging wild food with Robin Harford - Traditional British and European Herbal Medicine. Consultations in person and by Zoom. Run by a Belgian lady called Kristine who is based in The Chilterns, UK. - as the title suggests this site is all about making and using herbal medicine from common hedgerow plants. dried herbs and healing plants. - supplier of Shamanic Snuff (Google it) in the UK - Rap`e (pronounced Hah-Pay). Also essential oils and herbs from the Amazonian indigenous tribes. - Ayahuasca retreats in Europe (not allowed in UK surprise surprise) - Amazonian plant medicine. Website based in USA. plant and flower healing essences.


The modern diet is very deficient in essential nutrients due to modern totalitarian agriculture, so I believe good quality nutritional supplements are essential for optimum health. Not all "health" supplement suppliers are the same - some products really are just "expensive urine". I only use 3 companies that I know to be top quality. - excellent products. Based in Sussex - Good products, packaging can be a bit off sometimes. - this is the retail link for a company that actually makes a lot of products for other brands. 

Miscellaneous Related Subjects - Insight Timer is a free meditation app. You can search for shamanic drumming tracks and guided Astral Projection or Shamanic Journey meditations. Great music for relaxation too. - Daoist Meditation, Qigong, Neigong, Tai Chi and Martial Arts training. Online and in Colorado and London - Very novel take on spirituality, incorporates shamanic work with yoga and Qi energy work. Recommended guided meditations and the books written by Open are very enlightening. One of my favourite teachers. - shamanic crafts and artefacts. - Earth Pathways Shamanic Diaries, Calendars and Journals. - ancient spiritual traditions of Northern Europe and the British Isles - The British Druid Order - I met David Icke in Oxford in 1991 after he was ruthlessly ridiculed and demonised on UK television by the "elite" insider Terry Wogan. David is probably the most awake and the best informed human being on the planet today - his spiritual philosophy is very shamanic, although this aspect of his work is mostly over shadowed by his controversial exposing of the the Fascist Global Elite or New World Order and he probably thinks of himself as more of a Gnostic Spiritualist. I totally recommend all his books and recorded interviews. - the ultimate metaphysician (in my opinion). Sadly Stuart left his body in 2013 but his website has loads of wonderful articles. Recommended. - A mine of information on many subjects related to Shamanism, Psychology and Spirituality. - retired lawyer presents proof of life after death through NDE's, OBE's and the testimony of mediums. Compelling evidence BUT is the "afterlife" still part of the virtual reality simulation we have come to know as "The Matrix"? - useful online shopping outlet for native shamanic products. - courses based on the work of Robert Monroe - Training in Out of Body or Astral Travelling. Highly recommended. - William Buhlman's website tells you everything you need to know to start having Out of Body Experiences and begin Astral Travelling.
All the information here is based on the personal experiences of over forty years of Out-of-Body experiences by consciousness explorer Jurgen Ziewe. You will find many answers on this website. the work and philosophy of the late Daniel Quinn. - hand crafted shamanic tools based in UK - inspirational organisation helping to heal the world. - another very informative YouTube channel that I recommend to everybody who is interested in this spiritual work. You will learn more here than in any book. Sarah Elkhaldy is the Alchemist. - Sarah Elkhaldys website (The Alchemist) - Chaos Magick based on the works of Peter J Carroll - great blog on Chaos Magick and Spirituality by Dave Lee


Osho was a 20th Century Buddha, a Master of Meditation and my main human spiritual teacher. He made use of music, dance and trance like states with his "Dynamic" meditation. He was not a shaman but was definitely a shamanic person. Author of over 400 books that cover all aspects of spiritual life - Tantra, Yoga, Tao, Zen, Sufi, Baal, Hassid, Buddha, Jesus, Socrates, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and much more. He was also a mine of wisdom regarding psychology and philosophy. Osho left this plane in 1990 - He was a true rebel all his life and constantly annoyed politicians, governments and religious leaders by exposing their lies and their stupidity. Sadly, 30 odd years later, most of his younger "followers" are a pathetic bunch of woke, "liberal" rule followers who believe anything the politicians tell them - including the "covid" hoax and the "human caused climate change" hoax. Osho would be very disappointed. Having said that, the following websites are well worth a visit. 

The Law

With the way things are today, it is wise to have some knowledge of your rights according to Common Law, Constitutional Law and Equity Law - all of which are superior to Statutory Laws imposed by various corrupt and unlawful "governments"


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