Beltane - The Spring Festival
As I write on Thursday the 30th April in Oxfordshire at 12.40 it is absolutely slashing down with rain. We have had a week of unusually hot, dry weather which made everybody think Summer was on it's way - but no - it is April and it is Spring. The growing plants desperately needed the life giving rain. If memory serves me well it nearly always pours with rain in the southern UK at this precise time of year. For some reason the Monday nearest to May 1st is always a "bank" holiday in the UK and people set about having Spring Fairs and Fetes - and they are always a washout because it pisses down. I guess people never learn. But, joking apart, there is a genuine reason for the Spring Festival. It is more agricultural than hunter gatherer but it certainly pre-dates the Christian religion by many centuries. It is one of the 8 pre Christian festivals that Witches, Druids and Heathens celebrated when humanity was still (just about) in tune with nature and the natural cycle...