Can You Learn Shamanism Online?

There are many things that the shamanic community will disagree on depending on their personal perspective and the tradition of the lineage they have chosen to follow. One of the most controversial subjects is - can you learn shamanism online?

Well, apart from two obvious exceptions (soul retrieval and psychopomp - yes they are real things, look them up), I believe there is a lot to be gained from having some form of online teaching platform. Modern shamanism is a form of personal and spiritual development - some might even say it is a form of psychotherapy that you can work with by yourself. So, as a lot of modern world individuals have very limited or no access to genuine shamanic teachers in a live, workshop type setting - online teaching and an online community can fill a gap and help people to progress along their path.

I am sure you will find numerous people offering online shamanic services if you look hard enough. I can only mention two such services here because they are only ones that I have found that appeal to me as a British person living in the UK and this blog is about my personal shamanic journey. I am not trying to sell anything and I don't get paid for recommending any particular website or book.

One online shamanic teaching portal that I have found to be particularly helpful is run by a lovely Scottish lady called Rhonda McCrimmon - this is The Centre For Shamanism . Here you will find a lot free resources and a more in depth monthly subscription programme (very affordable). Plus, you can become part of an online community (Facebook Group) that Rhonda likes to call her "tribe". The free weekly podcasts are exceptionally educational and entertaining. The Centre For Shamanism is based in Scotland and it also offers plenty of "live" training and workshops.

Another interesting online training service is offered by Jason and Nicola Smalley from their website The Way of The Buzzard. They offer an online monthly subscription (again, very affordable) to what they call "The Mystery School". This form of shamanism has a particularly British or Celtic flavour which will appeal more to folks who actually live in the UK and would like to follow their own "indigenous" tradition. The Way of The Buzzard is based in the North West of England and they offer "live" workshops and training at different venues in England and Wales.

I have included a number of websites that I have found helpful on this blogs useful links page.

Hope you have found this helpful - see you next time.


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