Words of Power

In my last post I implied that talking to yourself is a form of madness and that a state of "no mind" is a goal to aim at.

Well, I still stand by that, but I will acknowledge that words do have a certain "power" and there can be a place for talking to yourself. Many shamanic teachers refer to "words of power" because sorcerers and witches rely heavily on the psychological impact of a word or series of words to gain influence and power over other people. The same techniques can work when trying to influence or gain power over one's own mind.

In mantra yoga, words, or more correctly, sounds, are used to control and master the mind. Some mantras are claimed to have "magical" properties such as enabling levitation or telepathy. I practice a form of mantra meditation myself; the so hum (soham) meditation technique mentioned in my last post. Soham actually has a meaning - I am that - but it is the sound that is important. It is the sound of the breath as it comes in and goes out of the body and the sound allows the mind to be captivated by the act of breathing.

Also, simple words and phrases can be useful for self hypnosis. The Raja Yoga organisation called the Brahma Kumaris are very fond of using "positive" phrases to try and guide the mind in the desired direction. They refer to this as "meditation" but it actually closer to CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) or NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and is actually a form of self hypnosis and NOT true meditation at all. Despite this, their system can be very useful as a preparation for the real thing.

Try this experiment: Just sit quietly with your eyes closed. Imagine a thread of golden light going up from your heart, out through the top of your head and all the way up to the sun. Then imagine a silver thread coming out from your heart and travelling down through your perineum into the centre of the earth. Concentrate on the energy coming along the two threads and meeting at your heart centre. You are now shamanically connected to Father Sun and Mother Earth. As you feel the two energies meeting in your heart - say the word LOVE silently to yourself for a few minutes.

How did that feel? Love is the most potent word of power I know - use it often.

Another phrase of power is "Thank You". Gratitude is a very empowering attitude in this world.

Finally - this is what I call my Mantra of Liberation.I learned it from David Icke.

I am me, I am free, I am all that is, was and will ever be.

If you really get this and it becomes your true perception, the way you really experience what we refer to as "reality" - then you are finally free. You are a Buddha. You have escaped from the matrix and the re-incarnation trap. 


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