Stone Age, New Age or Virtual Reality Simulation?
Here's the thing - "Shamanism" is just one word but it can mean all kinds of different things to different people.
I have just started doing the First Steps course with Paul Francis and the Three Ravens College of Therapeutic Shamanism - more as a refresher for myself than an attempt to learn something new. (I have read all Pauls' books, so I am very familiar with his take on Core Shamanism). Paul is a great teacher but there is one thing he is very dogmatic about (an unshamanic trait) and that is his insistence that the "Lower World" is a pristine environment as would have been experienced by hunter gatherer humans living in what we call the "Stone Age". I am not saying he is wrong but this is not a universal belief among shamanic people. There most likely was a "Blueprint" for planet Earth that was pure, natural, beautiful and unpolluted by modern human greed, ignorance and mental illness - but is this our Prime Reality or not?Whether it is or it isn't, you don't have to be a genius to see that the "world" most of us live in now is certainly not an ideal environment for any living thing. Plants, animals, birds and insects are being destroyed at alarming rates by the "cancer" that is modern humanity. We are even destroying ourselves and not just by destroying the only home we have - Planet Earth. We are destroying our physical and mental health with the poison that passes for "food", chemicals in our water and pollution in the air. And don't get me started on Big Pharma with their blatant agenda to keep people as sick as possible for as long as possible to make as much money as possible.
But despite the bad diets, lack of exercise, deliberately created wars and chronic poverty that plague our "Middle World" (shamanically speaking) - humans go on multiplying exponentially! Even in my own lifetime (I was born in 1952), the global population has DOUBLED! So, in a way, Paul Francis is absolutely right - ever since the invention of agriculture and city states which started about 13,000 years ago and really started descending into hell about 6,000 years ago, humanity has lost its' way and has to all intents, ceased to be viable. Problem is, we can't return to the pristine hunter gatherer lifestyle of the "Stone Age" that worked wonderfully for at least 200,000 years, even if we wanted to (and, obviously, most modern humans wouldn't want to anyway - they are too attached to the technological, consumerist, capitalist Matrix that they perceive as "reality").
So, are we doomed as a species? As far as I can see, we only have two chances and neither are going to be pleasant. For me the best possible outcome would be a natural disaster that wipes out 90% of humans but doesn't destroy the natural bio diversity of the planet. Yeah, I know, idealistic and unrealistic dream but this is the ONLY way humans could return to the stone age, hunter gatherer lifestyle.
But the other option, and this is the most likely scenario, is the plan that has already been put into action by the shadowy powers that act behind the scenes, controlling governments, corporations, media and banking. The first phase was initiated in 2020 with the so called "fake" Covid19 plandemic. This was the excuse to introduce "novel" mRNA fake "vaccines" into a terrified and ignorant population. The war against human over population is being waged on many fronts - psychological (media fear mongering), pharmaceutical (fake vaccines) and educational - confusing the young about gender, economics and the real science of climate change. Plus the old stand by of WAR - the same people who run the planet deliberately start wars all over the world and destroy lives while making billions of dollars (whatever the so called outcome i.e. winners and losers). This is a long game - they can't kill us all at once - the logistics of getting rid of millions of corpses would be impossible. So the plan is to keep introducing "new plandemics" with the associated "new fake vaccines" and at the same time introduce a digital dystopia that keeps the survivors of these attacks under "government" control with all personal freedom removed permanently. The blueprint for this is already up and running with great success in Communist China. Social Credit System, digital I.D., forced labour, restricted movement etc.etc. This is the plan. A lovely luxurious world for the Billionaires and a digital concentration camp for the "workers". Still think the natural disaster idea is a bad thing?
Of course there is always the other "New Age" option. This is where "awakening souls" incarnate into our "Middle World" reality and change it for the better by raising the vibration of the planet from 3D to 5D. This is done through a variety of meditation techniques and perception changes. The "New Age" started with the Theosophists in the late 19th Century and is basically a mish mash of Hinduism (yoga), Buddhism (meditation) and Esoteric Christianity where the "Christ" vibration eventually wins out over all the demonic forces (see above - Billionaires, China etc.) and "saves" the awakened ones who find themselves in a pristine "Golden Age" of humanity which would look very much like the "Upper World" of Core Shamanism. Basically the awakened ones would be living in another dimension and all the dystopian 3D crap would be still going on for those who didn't wake up in time. I quite like this concept but the sceptic in me doesn't see it happening. I haven't met many awakened souls recently, even after three years of lies and bullshit, have you?
This brings us to the third part of the title - the "Virtual Reality Simulation". This is the world of Quantum Physics - which, by the way agrees with a lot of Shamanic ideas and even backs up what David Icke has been trying to tell us since the turn of the Millennium. It is not a "new" idea. The ancient Gnostics (from the Greek for knowledge) said that our "reality" was a fake copy of Prime Earth, in other words - a virtual reality simulation. This information came to light when the Nag Hammadi library was discovered in Egypt in 1945. They said (amongst a lot of mythical and archaic beliefs of that time period) that the "God" of our world was actually an impostor they called the Demiurge (Devil, Satan, Yaldaboath) who was a psychopathic narcissist who wanted to RULE his own world. You only have to look around you or watch the "news" to see that they had a point. On this world EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING had to suffer in one way or another. In order to live, all creatures had to KILL another living thing and ingest it. Also, this "Creator God" introduces the concept (reality for us) of mortality which is based on sex, birth and death, together with all the suffering that entails. Doesn't sound much like a "Loving, Spiritual, Creator God" does it?
Anyway, the Roman Catholic church took exception to this idea and ironically proved the gnostics right by murdering the lot of them for "heresy" as, of course, the European Christian invaders murdered all the Shamans of the indigenous people they enslaved or slaughtered everywhere they went. They claimed it was their duty to "God" to carry out these acts of genocide - so what does that make "God"? One theory is that the Demiurge and his demonic minions exist in the 4th dimension, what New Agers call the "Astral Plane" and they project what we perceive as "reality" from there.
But, where the New Age and the scientists differ is that science perceives the simulation as a technological invention of a hugely advanced form of artificial intelligence (A.I.) and the New Agers see it as a difference in vibration caused by a loss of connection with the "Divine", mainly because of calcification of the Pineal gland in the brain and the fact that we humans are a greedy, selfish and
pretty dumb bunch in general. I think they both could be right. If you are confused about this (if you have actually read this far - you probably are not confused at all) - I would suggest you read "The Dream" by David Icke, whether you believe he is a nutter or not.It does explain everything very well in laymans terms. Icke has been saying similar things for many years, even before he was aware of Gnostic philosophy and the Nag Hammadi library and he has an intuitive way of explaining these obscure, archaic texts in a way that modern people can understand.
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