Finding My Power Animal

This is a record of my 4th or 5th shamanic journey. It is the second journey that I recorded in my journal. My journeys these days are less formalised and I tend to know where I am going - but these were early days. All I had to guide me were the (very good) instructions in Paul Francis' book "The Shamanic Journey". I shall write exactly what I wrote down in my journal after the journey. This was written originally on October 1st 2018 at 7 am.

I started to play a 30 minute drumming track. I set my intention to find my Power Animal by asking the "Great Spirit" to help me find my Power Animal on this journey.

I left my body dressed in my monks habit with a hood. I seem to always don this garb when journeying (Note :- I no longer do this. My attire changes according to the nature of the journey). I had with me a long staff with a piece of Moldavite embedded in the top. The Moldavite gave off a faint green glow. (Note :- I still wear a piece of Moldavite on a string around my neck in 3D reality).

I "flew" to my Axis Mundi which is a sacred mount by an ancient church. It was early morning and the sun was rising. There was a light mist and the grass was damp. I was wearing leather sandals on bare feet. I entered the Axis Mundi portal to the Lower World which was a large rabbit hole beneath an Elder bush. I descended the tunnel which was packed earth all the way down but as I approached the end I noticed clear quartz crystals, black crystals and flint stones embedded in the tunnel walls.  

I came out from a cave into the light. I was in a forest of giant Redwood trees. The ground was soft and springy beneath my feet. I touched the soft warm bark of the trees then walked along a narrow path to a clearing. I walked down a grassy slope with small wild flowers all around me and headed towards a lake. There was a mountain range in the distance. I sat by the lake and waited. There were bull rushes growing at the side of the lake. It was warm, early Autumn.

I asked the Great Spirit to show me my Power Animal. I seemed to feel many eyes watching me close by and I could see a herd of Bison in the distance. I settled down with my back against a large rock and waited. I asked my Power Animal to show itself to me.

I began to sense Rabbit hopping around me (Note :- I was familiar with Rabbit as he had given me healing on my last journey). Rabbit came close and nudged me with his nose. I stroked Rabbit and looked into his huge, peaceful brown eyes. I asked Rabbit if he was my Power Animal? There were no actual words but Rabbit seemed to indicate that he was my Power Animal through telepathy and body language. We then hugged and I stroked his fur. I thanked Rabbit for the healing he had given me yesterday (on my previous journey). I asked Rabbit if he would be my guide and be with me always - Rabbit affirmed this.

I thought I would be disappointed that my Power Animal turned out to be Rabbit (and not something more exotic like a tiger or a mountain lion) but I am not at all disappointed. Rabbit is gentle and he is a lover not a fighter. Rabbit loves to play. Rabbit provides food for the hungry carnivores in the Middle World. Rabbit is a giver, not a taker - a good role model and teacher. At the drum call back I thanked Rabbit and returned to my body. I could still feel the presence of Rabbit when the journey was over.


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