
Showing posts from October, 2021

Samhain and Halloween

 I thought I would do a post to celebrate Samhain (pronounced Sow-ein) as I am now committed to studying Celtic Shamanism. As a novice in this work I will give you some wisdom from one far more knowledgeable than myself - Glennie Kindred . The following information on Samhain is drawn from her books - The Earths Cycle of Celebration and The Sacred Tree. The references to Halloween are from various sources. Samhain has no truly fixed date, unlike the modern (Christian) festival of Halloween or All Hallows Eve, Samhain is celebrated on the second new moon after the Autumn equinox. This is both the ending and the beginning of the Celtic year and it falls around the end of October and the beginning of November. (In 2021 it falls on November 4th). Samhain is a festival that celebrates the affirming of rebirth in the midst of death and darkness. Samhain is a magical time when the veil between the seen world of matter and the unseen world of Spirit becomes thin, especially at dawn and dus...

Becoming Bear

I have been part of The Buzzard Tribe for a while now and am really learning a lot. I have revisited Journeying through one of the Foundation Courses and am learning from other peoples experiences on the Coaching Calls and the Facebook Group - As I am journeying with more regularity now I thought I would share a recent one - this is a journey I shared on the Buzzard Tribe Facebook group last week. "I would like to share a recent journey - it is quite long though. It involves my first experience of "shape shifting". I have been visiting the lower world for over 2 years now and I know some of the characters in this journey fairly well. They are Rabbit, my Power Animal, a wolf family, male, female and their 2 one year old cubs and a human family - Mog the hunter, his partner Mag and their 2 year old son, Rog. I have been feeling very under the weather with flu like symptoms for a couple of days so decided to journey and ask for some healing. I started with Rabbit at my Axi...