Becoming Bear
"I would like to share a recent journey - it is quite long though. It involves my first experience of "shape shifting".
I have been visiting the lower world for over 2 years now and I know some of the characters in this journey fairly well. They are Rabbit, my Power Animal, a wolf family, male, female and their 2 one year old cubs and a human family - Mog the hunter, his partner Mag and their 2 year old son, Rog.
I have been feeling very under the weather with flu like symptoms for a couple of days so decided to journey and ask for some healing.
I started with Rabbit at my Axis Mundi and we descended to the Lower World. Upon arrival we were greeted by the female wolf and her two cubs who seemed to have been waiting for me and were very pleased to see me.
All 5 of us crossed the meadow and entered the forest. Deep in the forest we were met by Mag and Rog who were gathering fungi. Mag told me to strip naked and then bathe in a small lake that was nearby. I submerged fully in the icy water and when I came out Mag draped a Bear skin around my body. The skin was complete with head and paws. Mag pulled the skin tightly around me and then waved a wand with a short chant I didn't understand.
Suddenly, I felt like I actually was a Bear!. I could feel a powerful energy coursing through my arms and legs and I could feel myself growing stronger. I looked down at my body and I WAS a bear!
Mag then gave me a piece of fungi and some honeycomb to eat. We then left the forest and headed for the village where Mag lived. I was still Bear, walking on all fours with little Rog riding on my back and the wolf cubs frolicking around me.
When we reached Mag's yurt, Mog greeted us, together with the male Wolf. He had a fire pit going and was boiling some soup in a stone container. Mag waved her wand and chanted again, then she removed the bear skin from my body - I was no longer Bear. She then dropped some of her fungi collection into the soup and stirred it in.
Mog dipped a leather cup into the soup and gave it to me to drink. It was very bitter but palatable. When I looked up, a large brown bear had appeared beside us. Mag told me to thank Bear for his strength, which I did.
The call back drum started after this, so I thanked Mag and Mog and the Wolves and left with Rabbit for my world.
I felt a lot better after this journey, still have a headache but the body feels stronger.
Thanks for reading this far...Blessings to all."
After this journey I decided to journey again the next day to visit my Lower World Tribe, I felt the need to get to know these "otherworld" humans as I had only really met three of them - Mog the hunter, Mag, his partner and Rog their little boy.
To cut another longish story short - when Rabbit and I arrived at the village Mag met me (with Rog) and I gave them both a gift I had foraged from the forest. Mog was away hunting with other men from the Tribe but Mag did introduce me to some others who had become curious about me.
Mag immediately noticed that I was not completely healed yet from the chesty problem that I had healing for on the previous day. She made me lay naked on some skins and she rubbed some ointment onto my chest and back. Then she told me to "drink the yellow flowers" when I returned to my world. I then remembered that I had received a healing last Winter where I was advised to "drink the yellow flowers" - I researched these flowers and found out that they were Coltsfoot - a traditional herbal remedy for chest complaints.
I had dried Coltsfoot flowers in my cupboard,so when I returned to my world I immediately made a pot of tea. After a few cups I was feeling much more like my old self.
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