The Way of The Buzzard
This will probably be my last blog post for a while as I am focusing on developing my practise and moving deeper into the realm of Spirit. I will be adding useful links and book reviews from time to time but the actual spiritual transformation I am embarking on is a very personal journey which may not mean much to the casual reader. My journeys into the Otherworld will stay personal unless I decide there may be some benefit in sharing them. My last three posts have all concerned my search for the "right" teacher or teachers. Well, I believe I have found my spiritual home and my "sat gurus" - Jason and Nicola Smalley and The Way of The Buzzard Mystery School. For many years I have tried hard to convince myself that I could achieve what Carlos Castaneda achieved in his long apprenticeship with don Juan and I have come to realise that that will never be the case. Having spent hours and months working with the techniques of don Carlos and Victor Sanchez, I now accep...