
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Way of The Buzzard

  This will probably be my last blog post for a while as I am focusing on developing my practise and moving deeper into the realm of Spirit. I will be adding useful links and book reviews from time to time but the actual spiritual transformation I am embarking on is a very personal journey which may not mean much to the casual reader. My journeys into the Otherworld will stay personal unless I decide there may be some benefit in sharing them. My last three posts have all concerned my search for the "right" teacher or teachers. Well, I believe I have found my spiritual home and my "sat gurus" - Jason and Nicola Smalley and The Way of The Buzzard Mystery School. For many years I have tried hard to convince myself that I could achieve what Carlos Castaneda achieved in his long apprenticeship with don Juan and I have come to realise that that will never be the case. Having spent hours and months working with the techniques of don Carlos and Victor Sanchez, I now accep...

Many Guides One Path

 In my previous two posts you will have seen that I was in a dilemma about which path to take and which teacher to follow. As I write today, I believe Spirit has guided me to the right path for me at this time - I will go into how this came about and what this path is in my next blog post. Today I would like to clarify my journey and my gratitude to the various teachers who have helped me to understand the Shamanic Path and in doing so, have helped me to understand myself. I have approached Shamanism from many different directions - which is probably why I managed to confuse myself. My main teachers (in book form and from the internet) have either come from North America or from the UK. When I was younger I believed Shamanism to be the sole property of the First Nation peoples of the North American continent - USA, Mexico and Canada. I have since learned that Shamanism has been practised all over Mother Earth for hundreds of thousands of years - only ending with the advent of organ...