Return of the Prodigal

Hello fellow humans. It has been nearly a year since I last opened up my laptop to write something in this little blog. And what a year! In January 2020 the biggest and most heinous scam ever perpetrated on humanity began in China and quickly enveloped the entire globe. Now at the end of June 2021 all the world's politicians are still holding their citizens prisoner with a blatant psy ops campaign designed to scare people into accepting (with great relish) a particularly nasty experimental gene "therapy" that is the beginning of Trans-humanism and The Great Reset. So, in just 18 months, the Tech and Pharma cartel that control all the world's politicians have created a totalitarian dystopia - where proclaiming to be a "natural" human with a healthy immune system is frowned upon and actively discouraged by all mainstream media outlets and the big tech social media platforms - especially Facebook and You Tube. Animism and the Shamanic view of reality is totall...