
Showing posts from August, 2023

Do You Talk To Yourself? Are You Mad?

When I was a boy I used to hear this phrase a lot - "Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness". Probably not PC or "woke" to say that in these strange times that we are living in but I believe it is a statement worthy of consideration. Those who know me personally will be thinking to themselves "Well he should know" - not because they respect my knowledge or because I spent many years working for a Community Mental Health Service - but because most folk seem to think that I am a bit mad. Maybe they are right, it's not for me to say. Obviously, most of us have witnessed the blatantly crazy person talking loudly on the street and having an animated conversation with him or her self (by the way, it is usually a male). But in these days of mobile phones and "bluetooth" technology it is no longer considered strange to see somebody walking down the street apparently talking to themselves. In fact, it has become the norm. But, technology apa...

Ram versus Man

 Here is a story that some may find amusing. The Ram in the title is not the Hindu god of that name but a particularly stroppy little git of the sheep variety. Here's how the day went.... As I have decided to start journeying again, I decided to visit my "Axis Mundi" - the place where I begin my journeys to the other worlds. It had been a year since I had visited this place physically and I was more than a little disappointed when I got there. It was completely overgrown with nettles and somehow the magic of the place had gone.... Then I heard a strange grunting noise coming from under a bush. At first I couldn't discern where it was coming from and then I thought it might be an animal in trouble, caught up somewhere. Suddenly from the bushes came a rather handsome jet black ram and he was walking slowly towards me. Now, I pride myself on being able to communicate with most non human people (not so much with humans lol), so I crouched down on my haunches and beckoned ...

Re Light The Fire

 It has been a while since I have delved into the wonderful world of Shamanism. I have been following a yogic path, which while it is satisfying in a lot of ways, just doesn't have the same buzz as a shamanic journey. So I am back on the broomstick, so to speak. I will be adding more content over the next few months as I relearn old lessons and discover new ones. The picture may give a clue as to which direction I will be taking......