Yoga, Qigong and the Magical Passes

 All my adult life I have studied the esoteric spiritual arts and doctrines of the East - especially India,Tibet, China and Japan. I started with Zen (Chan) Buddhism then Tibetan Buddhism then Hatha Yoga then Nichiren Buddhism then Qigong then Raja Yoga then Taoism.

All the way through these studies I had the memories and awareness of Castaneda's enigmatic teacher don Juan Matus and his "Separate Reality". Remember - Gautama the "Buddha" said that the reality ordinary people perceived was an illusion, he said people needed to "awaken" in order to perceive reality as it is (whatever that may be). don Juan and his fellow sorcerers could perform acts that normal, rational people would consider impossible, they might refer to them as magic or miracles - but when one studies the folklore of Yoga and Qigong, one will find very similar stories of yogis performing "impossible" feats.

We in the "Christian" Western industrialised world have been closeted in a very narrow band of perception for the past 2000 years. We have been brainwashed into believing that only "God" or "Jesus" (laughably regarded as god's only son) could perform miracles and defy the laws of physics. (Although there are numerous examples of christian "saints" performing impossible miracles).

Luckily, religion has lost it's grip on the mind of the average Western person (though a lot of folks still pay lip service to it without really understanding the things they say they believe in). Trouble is, the old religions have been replaced by the new "religion" of science (Scientism). And the same deal applies - the scientists (priests) give us the infallible words of "God" (science) and we the people are expected to believe everything these new priests say - even though most of us have no idea what they are talking about.

 A wonderful example of this new religion being used to control the easily led masses of humanity is the so called Covid 19 hoax. So called scientists convinced either corrupt or stupid politicians to accept a deadly virus that does not exist and then proceeded to dictate how the population of planet Earth should be controlled for the benefit of a handful of billionaire control freaks. Just like the Christianity of the Middle Ages or fundamentalist Islam today.

To get back to the title of this post - yoga, qigong and Castaneda's Magical Passes are methods a human being can use to experience a different perception of reality. Core Shamanism will also give many ways to experience the "Shamanic Journey" into various new "worlds" or separate realities. Most people think that yoga is just a bunch of stretching exercises but that is just one aspect - Hatha Yoga. In fact most of the yoga classes in the West are not even genuine Hatha Yoga. Genuine Hatha Yoga was designed to prepare the body with enough energy to engage in deep meditation practises. One needs to see the bigger picture - I recommend study of "The Yoga Sutras" by Patanjali.

Also, most people think Qigong is just a simplified version Tai Chi - nothing could be further from the truth. Qigong is actually far more complex than the more commonly known Tai Chi Chuan. When one begins to study this art seriously one finds such areas as Nei Gong and Shen Gong. Basically, like the 8 limbs of Yoga, it is a complete system for conscious mastery of the human Mind,Body Spirit system.

And, although I haven't tried the system yet - I believe that the Magical Passes of Carlos Castaneda and don Juan are a very similar way of accessing hidden energy systems that allow us to alter our perception and enter a new, expanded reality. There is a book on this, called "Magical Passes" by Carlos Castaneda - it looks pretty complicated but at some point I will attempt to understand it and I will let you know if I succeed in achieving anything noteworthy.  


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