Healing a Pet Cat
Here is a journey I did on October 2nd 2018 ( I am working through my recorded journeys in the order I did them).
I set my intention to ask for a healing journey for my pet cat Kit who had a nasty skin complaint on his back. I set the drumming track and hollowed out to prepare, then met with Rabbit in the Middle World. I asked Rabbit if he would give Kit some healing and also if it was OK for me to tell other people that he was my Power Animal - he agreed to both.
We went to my Axis Mundi and travelled down the tunnel which ended in a cave in the Lower World. We came out of the cave into a hot sandy, desert landscape. We walked towards some palm trees and saw that the trees were at the edge of a body of water like a sea or a large lake.
Rabbit dived straight into the water and I removed my cloak and followed him. We swam down to the sandy bottom and then straight back up to the surface. From the beach we took off and flew with Rabbit leading the way. Then we landed in a jungle.
We walked through the jungle to a small clearing where we saw Kit lying in the sun. Rabbit jumped onto Kit's back (Kit didn't seem to mind this) and started scratching and digging at the sores on Kit's back. Then Rabbit spat out some water onto Kit's back. I had the feeling that Rabbit had carried this water from the lake in the desert.
The callback began so Rabbit and I left Kit and returned the way we had come.
Postscript :- After this journey I looked into mineral salts for topical use on Kit's sores but that made it worse, then I tried colloidal silver which did help a bit but I ended up taking him to the vet for a steroid shot. We also tried a new flea treatment. With hindsight I believe the journey was telling me that Kit was running a fever and needed to be cooled. The sores healed well and have not returned nearly two years later even though he had suffered regularly with this complaint for some years.
So, when we take a healing journey it doesn't mean we ignore all other healing methods and sometimes we won't understand the full meaning of the journey or the lessons we are supposed to learn from it.
As you can see from the picture above - Kit is in good health at 16 years old.
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